9 Signs You Need a Roof Repair

Your roof provides your home with vital protection. Not only does it protect your home from the elements, but it’s a valuable source of insulation. When your roof is in good condition, it should retain heat during colder months and hold onto cool air as temperatures rise.

Over time, your roof can become damaged. Whether you’re dealing with a leak or have lost a few shingles, you should get a roof repair on your home as soon as you see signs of a problem. Watch out for these warning signs so that you know when to call roofing professionals.

Leaky Roof

Roofs can leak for many reasons. There may be an issue with your roof’s flashing, or the seal of your roof’s seams may have been weakened. Whether a leak is large or small, it could potentially let water into your home.

If you have a leaky roof, or if your roof is retaining water, it could cause serious damage. The excess water could cause your roof to start rotting. If water gets inside your home, it could cause mold to grow and spread.

Roof replacements are costly, which is why it’s best to get a roof repair on your home right away if you suspect that you have a leak. There are a number of red flags that can indicate there’s a leak somewhere in your roof.

Since your attic is at the top of your home, leaks will usually impact your attic first. It’s a good idea to periodically check your attic for signs of a leak or water damage. If you do have a leak, you may notice that your attic is mustier than usual, or that the walls are bulging.

You may also see signs of water damage in other parts of your home. Peeling and blistering paint can be signs of excess moisture. You may also see water stains on your floors and walls or even puddles of water on your floors. Water damage can seriously harm your home, so act quickly if you suspect you have a leak.


The typical lifespan of a roof with asphalt shingles is 15 to 20 years. Although it’s possible that your roof will last longer if you keep it in good condition, you should be prepared to have your roof replaced or get a roof repair in the near future. If your roof is on the older side, you should start talking to roofing companies so that you can learn more about your options.

Even if your older roof is in good condition, you’ll want to watch it closely. You should inspect your roof on a regular basis so that you can check for problems. It may be helpful to have professionals assess your roof as well.

When you’re ready to replace your old roof with a new one, you’ll have many options to consider. Asphalt shingles are one of the most popular roofing materials, but there are other materials available. For example, wood shakes tend to last longer than asphalt shingles, but also require more maintenance.

While you don’t have to replace a roof that’s still in good condition, it’s best to be proactive if you have an aging roof. Be aware that you’ll need to cover the cost of roof replacement at some point over the next few years. Make sure you replace your old roof before it starts to have serious problems.

Missing Shingles

Loose, broken, and missing shingles are all common signs of a damaged roof. Shingles are designed to be resistant to the elements, but over time, they become less durable and are less likely to stay in place. Having a few missing shingles isn’t necessarily a serious issue, but if your roof has lost lots of shingles, you should discuss your options with a quality roofer.

Your roof is more likely to lose shingles after a storm, which is why it’s a good idea to check your roof for signs of damage after severe weather conditions. If you’re losing shingles when the weather is clear, it’s possible that your shingles have been nailed too high or that they haven’t received the maintenance that they need.

Losing shingles can be an indicator that there’s something wrong with your roof, and having missing shingles could also lead to future damage. It’s best to get a roof repair on your home as soon as you notice that your roof has lost shingles. Addressing the issue quickly is the best way to keep a roof in good shape.

Storm Damage

As mentioned previously, it’s common for storms to cause damage to roofs. In addition to loose shingles, you may also notice issues with your roof flashing after a storm. Flashing connects the roof to the chimney and helps to redirect water away from your roof when it rains.

If the flashing on your roof is damaged, you’re more likely to have a roof leak in the future. Flashing damage could also cause your roof to retain water, which could eventually cause the roof to sag. Ideally, you should get a roof repair on your home as soon as possible if there’s an issue with your flashing.

After a storm, you should examine your roof and look for loose or missing shingles. Other issues you should watch out for include blistering along your shingles or bends and cracks in your flashing. In addition to inspecting your roof, you should check your attic for signs of water damage.

Metal roofing is more resistant to storm damage, but you may still notice problems after severe weather conditions. During a hailstorm, a metal roof could become dented. No matter what type of roof you have, you should try to address storm damage right away so that you can repair your roof before it storms again.

Light in the Attic

If you can see light shining into your attic during the day, it’s possible that you have holes in your roof. While these holes may be caused by missing shingles, it’s also possible that your roof is seriously damaged. You should talk with repair companies and roof installation services before you decide what to do next.

Not only can attic holes let moisture into your home, but they could cause your house to be invaded by pests. During poor weather conditions, many animals look for safe locations that can provide shelter. If animals make a home in your attic, they could damage your insulation and cause many other problems.

It’s important to get a roof repair on your home if there’s light beaming in through holes in your attic, even if those holes are small. You should keep in mind that minor damage is likely to become worse over time if the issue isn’t taken care of. Acting quickly will help you avoid pest infestations, water damage, and many other issues.

Granules in Your Gutters

Roofs made from asphalt or composite shingles typically have a thin coating of granules. These granules are usually dark and look similar to sand. Granules essentially give your roof extra protection and help to shield your shingles from damage.

Over time, your roof may start to shed this layer of granules. You’re most likely to notice granules when you clean out your gutters. Although it’s normal for granules to wear down, you should contact a local roofing service if your roof has been shedding large amounts of granules.

The granule layer on your roof provides protection from the elements, and if you don’t have that layer anymore, your roof is more likely to be damaged in the future. If your roof has been shedding lots of granules, that may also be a sign that you have an aging roof.

Granule loss could be a sign that you need to get a roof repair on your home, but it could also indicate that your roof is close to the end of its lifespan. If your roof has lost too many granules, it may no longer be possible to repair or replace missing shingles. Reach out to a professional right away if you’re seeing lots of granules when you clean out your gutters.

Energy Bills Are High

Sometimes, you may see visible signs of damage when your roof needs repairs. However, there are other factors that may suggest that there’s a problem. If your heating or cooling costs have suddenly increased, and there’s no clear explanation for this rise in pricing, your roof could be the source of a problem.

If your roof is damaged, or if you have a roof leak, it’s possible that air is leaking out of your home through the roof. This can cause temperatures to fluctuate throughout your home, which will put more stress on your HVAC system. The extra energy usage could cause your utility prices to rise.

You may want to check your attic and roof for signs of damage if you receive an energy bill that’s higher than usual. Even if you don’t notice any issues when you inspect your roof, it may be helpful to have a quality roofer take a closer look. If you get a roof repair on your home now, you’ll be able to avoid paying higher energy bills in the future.

Moss Is Growing

Normally, your gutters should redirect water so that it flows off your roof. However, if water remains on your roof for long stretches of time, moss and fungus may start to grow. Moss thrives in damp, dark environments, which is why you’re most likely to spot moss in areas that are covered in shade.

A small amount of moss isn’t always a sign of concern, but you should talk with roof repair services right away if you’ve noticed large amounts of moss on your roof. It’s also a good idea to try scrubbing away patches of moss with a stiff brush. If your roof has water damage, you may see rotting shingles under the moss.

Ultimately, the presence of moss is a sign that your roof is retaining too much moisture. The longer the moss stays on your roof, the more likely it is that your roof will be seriously damaged. It’s best to get a roof repair on your home as soon as you notice moss so that you can avoid significant rotting.

You may also want to look for ways to increase the amount of sunlight your roof gets throughout the day. If you have a tree on your property that’s shading your roof, you may want to prune some of the tree’s branches. Letting in sunlight can help water evaporate and keep moss from forming in the first place.

Sagging Roof

When a roof retains too much moisture, the shingles can rot, which can cause the roof to sag. A sagging roof is an issue that will only get worse with time. While sagging can be a sign that you need to replace your roof, you may be able to put off replacement if you hire residential roofers to repair the damage right away.

Not only is sagging a sign that there’s an issue with your roof, but it can also cause serious damage. In some cases, a sagging roof could even collapse. If your roof is showing visible signs of sagging, or if the rafters in your attic have begun to droop, you should call roofing companies for help.

There are ways to temporarily prevent a roof from sagging. For example, rafter ties or ceiling joints could give your roof additional support. However, it’s likely that you’ll need to get a roof repair on your home sooner rather than later if it’s sagging, and there’s a good chance that you’ll need a roof replacement.

Since you depend on your roof for many things, it’s important to react quickly when you see signs of damage. Tackling these problems early on can keep the issue from getting any worse. Make sure you provide your roof with regular maintenance so that you can prevent issues that cause damage.

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